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Hippysnake said:
Bodhesatva said:
Hippysnake said:
Well, I'm not sure in what context your post prior to the one above was in, but I assumed it had something to do with the negligible difference between me playing videogames for a few hours a week and some internet nerd who spends 70+ hours a week on WOW with a throbbingly painful erection.

So, Mr. Mr.

What do I not get?


 The dichotomy you are putting together is a false one.

It is not a split between nerds who play 70 hours a week and reasonable people who simply like to chill out with games for a while. These are cartoonish portrayals of different gaming demographics.

And it's also amusing to see a "hardcore" gamer mock WoW players for essentially being too hardcore. You do realize that the casual Wii players you have mocked could instantly turn around on you and say you play games way too much and are a game nerd, correct? Because that's exactly the accusation you've just leveled at WoW players.

Wii: This is for casuals! Hardcore gamers need more games than this!
WoW: People play this too much! They get too invested in this game!

Apparently, the PS3/360 are perfect, and people who prefer games with less time commitment and investment are stupid or childish casuals, while people who prefer games with even greater investment are nerds and geeks. It reminds me of some drivers who believe anyone who drives faster than them is a reckless maniac, while anyone who drives more slowly is a grandma who should get out of his way.

You've lost perspective and objectivity. You are a gamer nerd, and so am I.



I play videogames at most for about 3 hours a week, if that's your idea of gamer nerd, then so be it. I'm a gamer nerd. What's really sad though, is 28 year old men spending the vast majority of their free time on this piece of crap. Social experience!? Hah! A social experience is going out on a Saturday night, getting drunk and waking up the next morning with a pair of 32DDs in your face. This is just a sad waste of time.

I have a Wii. I enjoy playing it. I have no problem with casual gaming. In fact, my time spent gaming has whittled away to at most, playing Warioware smooth moves with a couple of my mates (real mates, not fucking Wiiconnectgay27 crap) some Friday nights.

God knows where you got the idea I was a hardcore gamer. I've neglected to even so much as turn my Playstation 3 on since I completed MGS4 back in June, and the Wii, well, what more can i say?

It's amazing y'know? The human mind. You can actually trick yourself into believing this dude on teh int3rweb called hippesn4ke plays videogames like 28 hours a day, 9 days a week. But in reality he doesn't. Only obsessed, compulsive, extremely, EXTREMELY sad players, like those who play WOW, or Runescape, or something equally as s**t do.

Too bad you don't realize there are far fewer of these socially inept people than you think. And they aren't just limited to WOW, Eve, or Runescape either.

Also, what's so great about getting drunk? Puking your guts out the next morning does not sound like fun to me. Also, gamers get chicks. Did you forget girls play them too?