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papflesje said:
@ garnett: I have seen a LOT of "profits down"-threads, but never "sony (on the whole) makes loss", so where is this notion coming from that Sony is broke?


Sony as a collective is getting their butts handed to them in pretty much every field they operate in.   As an example Sony TV's are over priced and selling worse than "cheaper/better" competition.  This doesn't mean they are broke but if things keep going that route they very well could be.


Sony has been way to arrogant on most of their products.  Back whenever I was a child Sony was on top for 1 simple reason they had great products at competitive prices.  Sure they were a little more expensive but they were worth it.  This is no longer the case in general.  You can go get a Vizio tv which costs hundreds less and the quality will be the same if not better than Sony.


I really miss the old Sony of my childhood that was lean and mean and never arrogant.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!