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papflesje said:
@ garnett: I have seen a LOT of "profits down"-threads, but never "sony (on the whole) makes loss", so where is this notion coming from that Sony is broke?

I was being sarcastic :)


"ocnkng said:
Beware of the short term solution! Look at how AMD fared against Intel in a price war. I don't think Sony shud go into a price war with M$. M$ has enormous cash reserves that they are just gonna destroy Sony with. Its a 200 Billion dollar company, about 7 times the size of Sony. I think for Sony the smart thing to do is to survive by selling a critical mass of consoles and concentrate on developing a kick ass first part suite of titles (Which is already done) They can then take the war to the next generation by building a more competitively priced PS4.
On another note, Nintendo's success is awesome for Sony coz it stops the giant M$ from swallowing everything."


He acts like the only thing Sony makes is the PS3,They have NOTHING ELSE,Not PS2,Not TV,Speakers,Comps NOTHING!


So i said Sony is broke as Atari :)