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To answer the direct question, I have an HDTV but only have a Wii so the TV played no role in which system I have.

To expand on what squirrel was saying about HD ownership, for 3 years I delivered mattresses to around 10-15 homes a week so I've been in a lot of homes and seen what kind of TV's various demographics own. The funny thing is the people who seemed to own the most HDTV's were poor people. They'd be living in the ghetto, have a 15 year old car out front, house would be falling apart, they bought a crappy $300 bed, and yet without fail in the living room would be a 48" plasma TV. Middle class was hit or miss, if they were in the group that just got a new mortgage (this was when rates were exremely low) they usually had a mega entertainment center with an HDTV otherwise they typically didn't have one. Richer people seemed to have the fewest HDTV's.

In line with squirrels experience, people in the 25-35ish group usually didn't have an HDTV. They usually had a new house/condo, new cars, and a new bed along with presumabely student loan payments. Oddly it seemed like college age men did frequently have HDTV's (along with 360's). I would guess money from their parents, credit cards, or student loans bought it. Also college age men were about the only people with a video game system hooked up to their HDTV.

As I and others keep pointing out, HD gaming is a little too early for the mass market.