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Mummelmann said:
@Ovoyvoyv; Regarding your sig; did Bondevik really say that? How amazingly straightforward of him! Then again, he was rather direct and blunt about the Afghanistan invasion as well... (He actually impressed me for the first and last time then).

I've never actually seen him say it. It's more of a "Palin doesn't know Africa is a country" thing I guess.


And MikeB -

"The PS2 is still selling well so far, outselling both 360 and PS3 last quarter as well. Despite its huge penetration factor, it still sold 28 million units the last two fully reported on fiscal years. This was all expected"

It didn't outsell 360 and Ps3 last quarter. It sold 2.1M, X360 and Ps3 sold 2.5M and 2.8M




That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS