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First of all, I myself am not stating that there was a link between the speech and his assasination. I am stating that when you have someone like JFK pointing out the reality of the system and how he was going to expose it before he left office.

Also, in regards to secret societies, I am merely pointing out why there shouldn't be secret societies and these little groups like you Hero David Gergen are members of.

The sppech itself had everything to do with secret societies, and how he was opposed to them. Not to mention how he was going to expose what the office of the president had been really used for. Did you listen to the actual speech?

By the way, I honestly could care less when the date was said, some people claim 63', some claim 61'. They call it consipracy that it was 10 days before his assasination, yada, yada. That is not the issue. The issue is that he did say it.

How the HELL is he right about the U.N troops??? You should definenately join Fox News. I mean either your completely oblivious, or your just making statements like this because your ignorant. Which is it? Read through it very slowly so that you can fully understand.

" Rebellion Against Tyrants Is Obedience To God"