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"If necessary Epic would release Gears 3 on the Xbox360."

But the problem with that is that Microsoft would be releasing a new console without any strong launch titles and that is really what has been the downfall of so many consoles in the past. I don't think they want to release a new console without a proven IP (and again Fable hasn't proven itself to be a Halo in its prime or Gears size IP) and Gears is their strongest IP now. I predict we might hear something about the next xbox as early as this December because December 2004 was when info about the 360 started to come out.

The notion about the 360 being in too strong of a position in the market for them to release a new console in the next year or two doesn't really hold up. Because in 2005, the original xbox had already lost its gen to the PS2 (much as they announced a few months ago that they have already lost this gen to Nintendo), but the original xbox was a strong #2 in its gen much as the 360 is now; it had had huge success with Halo 2 much as it is having with Gears 2 now); it had a strong lineup planned for 2005 including the only console version of Half Life 2, Psychonauts, Stranger's Wrath, the only console version of Doom 3, and Bioware's very much anticipated rpg Jade Empire which would only strengthen its position as the number 2 console on the market.

Yet rumours started circulating about XBOX 2, and by GDC 2005, the 360 was confirmed and scheduled to ship in November of 2005 with Halo 3 being scheduled to be the game that would drive its sales. History teaches that you can predict future events from events that have happened in the past and the 360 is following the exact same path that the original xbox was on in late 2004.

Now it could be that Microsoft will wait one year to release their next console at the $400.00 price tag which would put it releasing in 2010 alongside Gears 3. But, then again, they could want to bring out the next xbox next year at the $500.00 price. Give the console some time to get some steam on its own with some new games as the 360 had Dead Rising and Prey prior to Gears and Halo 3, thus generating an all ready sizeable owner base before the release of its big two; then when Halo 4 and Gears 3 come out give the system two solid AAA titles and a price cut at the same time.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.