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Ok, I have completed all the different accuracy and scoring tables.

On the first post are 2 rankings tables, one showing the rankings for each seperate console, and total rankings so far, and the other showing the ranking for each week, there are also links above each table to the weekly breakdown of console specific points, and to the weekly discrepancy tables which are at the top of page 4.

The last table in the post at the top of page 4 gives a different view of the prediction accuracy, which is to find the discrepancy between the prediction and the actual sales for all the weeks so far (only 2 as of now).... this is a less important one because it's possible to get a good low score in this by being well oer one week, and well under the week after..... but it is interesting none-the less.

Rankings for the secondary table as of Week 1 are the same as the proper rankings.... and here are the rankings for it as of week 2:

1st: 23pts TWRoO (+1)
2nd: 24pts Veggie (-1)
2nd: 24pts BHR-3 (+2)
4th: 39pts Skeezer (-1)
5th: 70pts DarthDevidem (+1)
6th: 80pts Zucas (-1)
7th: 86pts DMeisterJ (0)
8th: 93pts Oyvoyvoyv (0)