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ClaudeLv250 said:
jhlennon1 said:
Androo said:
^^ Dude I told you I like R&C. I have ALL FOUR FRICKIN GAMES for the PS2 and Size Matter for the PSP. Loved them ALL except the last PS2 one but this one seems like the first three of the series. I have loved Insomniac from the PS1 days when they created one of my all time favourite mascot Spyro.

Read my post before you jump on me please!!

I did read your post, I also read your point for being in this thread. Ninteno fanboy, I think that was made very clear. 

btw, Sony fanboys are not alone with the things they do. Since the Wii/DS takeover Nintendo fans have become VERY annoying. I came here because it's a smaller community where I thought we could have logical discussions but the same crap seems to happen here. Every positive Sony thread, anything that mentions the PS3 attracts the 360/Wi fans to attack. Just like you did in this thread. 

Soriku and Claude have mastered the art of doing it as well. Surprise surprise..... Nintendo fans...

So I'm a Nintendo fanboy now? And to think, I was branded an "Xbot" yesterday on another board....and I don't even have a 360.

Sony fanboys are getting just a wee bit paranoid on this board. Not sharing outlandish sales predictions for R&C is far from something someone should be pointing fingers for. Soriku isn't even in this thread and you're already calling him out, so I see where your priorities lie.


Don't bother with him Claude. As you said he's clearly paranoid. I'm such a Nintendork that I own PS1/PS2/PSP and have bought a good chuck of games for all these systems including all the R&C games which I have praised time and time again. Yet he still labels me a Nintendo fanboy...

And Hus thanks for that post it really made my day lol!!!!
PS: Rachet's armour looks awsome in that pic!!

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It is a hardcore game through and through. You will get your ass kicked by bosses. You will be stumped by the sometimes complex, but never overbearing, exploration.
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