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Zucas said:
sega4life said:


Unemployment just hit 25 year high.

Recession is here.

Depression is now a major possibility.

You can't campair years past because the world hasn't been in this state of crisis for many, many, many years.


The cheaper systems will sell the most.


Gaming industry has barely been hit by this crisis.  Many say that many are using gaming as a way out of stress from the crisis which have cause sales to continuously go up... evne over last year's record numbers.

And actually I'd challenge you on that.  I'd say if there was to be less buying during the holidays this would affect the mainstream buyers, because they are majority buyer's during the time.  Although I do see how PS3 could be affected compared to 360 this holiday season in America.  But Wii, 360, DS, PSP, and PS2 should be fine.  If anything about this is going to affect any console in America, it'll be PS3.



You couldn't be more wrong, For Starters in todays news. Heck even the all mighty EA has been having problems.

Yes it's true during rough times instead of a family going to the movies on the weekend and spending roughly $35-$45 on tickets and popcorn for 2hours, they tend to get a lasting entertainment experience like buying a video game or DvD. Not to mention it helps keep their mind off their problems..

But that was fine and dandy when we "Thought" times were rough, Now times "Are" rough, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Like I said above very few families have seen this kind of crisis in recent memory, this is a new for many.

No more "I will get this and sit at home and play for a few weeks"

It's now "I wonder if I will have a home in a few weeks"

If you think this is just a "US" problem, then you better start reading up on world business, in case you didn't know Japan is now opening up a large Multi Billion dollar crisis package to help them selves out.

Europe is losing it's banks just like the US, not to mention the WW Recession, that can and might go into a depression.

When one country is in a crisis, it creates a domino effect.

Will I think game sales be high this Holiday? Of course it will because it's the holidays, but it won't be what everyone thinks.

It will be high for a world in financial crisis and that's about it, and thats not saying much.






PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o