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Groucho said:

You realize that Ratchet & Clank:ToD, Heavenly Sword, Folklore, Lair, Gran Turismo 5P, SOCOM: Confrontation, WKC, and a host of other titles (SingStar? BUZZ?) are 2nd party titles, not 1st, right? I think even Motorstorm may have qualified as 2nd party when it was released... I think Sony bought that studio afterwards.

Sony hasn't released very many 1st party games for the PS3 yet... Uncharted, WipEout HD, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, ...heck I can't even think of any others. This chart is very misleading in that regard.  Since it doesn't draw any lines between 1st and 2nd parties, you can only "assume" where the chart author is throwing the titles I mentioned above.


 lol big mistake.

What I do agree with squill about is that ps3 has a dire need for 1st party games that are not bundled. They are eating so much profit this way.