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I was playing CoD:WaW last night.

I have to agree with both viewpoints here though.

It's the best FPS on Wii currently (IMO) and it's a lot of fun. Since I don't have another console it's worth having so I can frag from my couch.

However, on my laptop I sometimes play UT2004 and that has a lot more modes and vehicles and stuff and that was out 4 years ago. Heck the original UT has a lot more modes than CoD on Wii and that's ancient by gaming terms. Really in my mind Capture the Flag is one of the most basic modes and it shouldn't be missing here (or some objective best mode).

On the flipside, I don't want the Wii to become a FPS box either, at least not in the way the HD consoles are. HD consoles are associated with teens and single guys playing for hours and hours - alone. That's a videogame stereo-type that the Wii is breaking and for the Wii to go that same way would be tragic. I'd rather Nintendo made Mario Paintball with split-screen multiplayer that was also online. That would be Wii. Play with your friends/family and online at the same time (like Mario Kart or SSBB). If that was the case I wouldn't care one rats ass if it was only 8 people and deathmatch.

But currently CoD:WaW while a solid game to have realizes neither possibility and does seem like a gimped experience because of it.