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DirtyP2002 said:
shams said:

Firstly - there is NO correlation between install base and software sales. If anything, its almost the opposite. How much software did the PS2 sell this week? How about the GBA? And worldwide, the PSP has an install base almost 3x that of the PS3... and so what software-wise?

Secondly - if you are talking *specifically* for this week, then yes - you are right. But that is NOT enough data to extend that into a "Wii does not move software" theory - in fact, its completely incorrect.

Thirdly - its only *slightly* biased if you don't take into account the number of new releases that each platform has received over the last month or so. Slightly of course, in this case meaning "completely".


The current weekly charts say this:

4,414,782 (+48%) 165,003,939 7.32
2,999,005 (-3%) 183,466,168 5.10
2,616,560 (+30%) 307,449,759 3.61
2,427,271 (+12%) 84,256,247 5.04

Note the bit about the "total software sales" - even if you subtract WiiSports & WiiPlay (which is not fair - firstly because Nintendo do SELL and make money off WiiSports - and even more so with WiiPlay) - the Wii is still considerably ahead of the PS3, and almost on par with the 360.

So... if the Wii doesn't move software, then the same theory applies 2x to the PS3. And considering that the 360 has had a year start - based on "per-year sales", the Wii is easily beating both the HD consoles.

Theory completely debunked.


You can't be serious with that part, right? you compare the sales of Last Gen software with sales of the current gen and take that as a proof, install base has nothing to do with software-sales? That made you look stupid. Yeah... the bigger the install base, the worse the software-sales... That's why everybody wanted to release the software on the DC a few years ago, right?

First of all: If you continue to say things like the bolded you will get a ban.  Stick to the substance of the issue or I will see to that.

Now, back on the issue:

The contention being made is not that a larger install base means less software sales, its that software sales do not increase linearly with installed hardware.  And this is absolutely the case. You asked for folks to explain what you're missing and we are, we can't help it if you won't accept the answer. Perhaps instead of insulting people and plugging your ears to the idea you should raise the issues you have with the concept so they can be addressed.

A good start would be actually reading Sham's post as it does a good job of explaining why your assertion of the Wii not selling software is plainly incorrect.



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