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DirtyP2002 said:

Talking about software, the Wii sold 3million units, the PS3 2.4 million and the Xbox360 4.4 million.

Okay, this week is not that representitive, because Gears was a great success for MS and the Xbox 360.

A single week is a terrible way to examine software sales, particularly when the 360 and PS3 both had anticipated games launch during the week you're looking at. You should be looking by quarter or by year, it's far more telling.


So checking Wii Software: Wii Sports sold 500k, that game is bundled with every sold Wii from the very first beginning. So you can't say Big N sold this software. Same for Wii Play, which "sold" 200k and is buindled with every controller. So the "real" amount of software sold is 2.3 million. That is less than the PS3 sold on a far lower Userbase. I know Mari Kart and Wii Fit are selling like crazy, but thats another point. Almost every successfull Wii game comes with hardware. The first Wii game that is just a game and NOT bundled with any kind of hardware is Wii Music and it is at 38... Always keep in my mind what amount of Software PS3 or even better Xbox360 would have sold an such a great Userbase.

You dead wrong on Wii sports and I'm really tired of explaining this to people =P 

First : Wii sports is bundled because it gets people to buy the system, not the other way around.  Official software bundles are done to help sell hardware by utilizing the appeal of the software title to their advantage.  Halo 3, MGS4, etc..etc..An official bundle is done by Nin/MS/Sony and their interest is in selling hardware when they bundle not just the software.  The un-official bundles from retailers are the bundles where they are trying to use the appeal of the hardware to sell the software.

Second : If Wii Sports was NOT included in the totals do you honestly believe that some 30 million people would simply have purchased no game to go with their console?  This is faulty logic, if Wii sports wasn't bundled then some other game would be accounted for, you're severely handicapping the Wii, and quite unfairly, by trying to remove this title from the comparison.

Wii sports needs to be included because it is in fact the ONLY fair way to do the comparison.

Things are not looking great for other publishers except Nintendo. Besides GH:WT (bundled with hardware) there is one (!!!) other game in the top 50, that is not published by Nintendo, ranked 50th.

The chart put out by nintendo was completely legitimate despite your dismissal of it.  They used NPD data in a standard launch aligned graph of software sales, it doesn't get much more straightforward.  3rd Parties are doing fine on the Wii, the fact that Nintendo is doing better doesn't automatically mean that the 3rd parties have to do terribly.  The software market is not a zero-sum game, both Nintendo and third parties can do well, and that is what is happening here.

Animal Crossing will sell like crazy, but mostly in Japan I guess. And just one game for a holiday-season is not that great. The hardware will keep on selling, but software is really behind my expectations. So this is not a "Wii is doomed thread!"

So in one breath you complain about Nintendo dominating the software too much then you complain that they aren't doing enough...uhm..what?


PS - More responses coming.


To Each Man, Responsibility