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I'm not sure what is funnier.. This thread or all the 360 fanboys getting upset because the thread made a valid point. Even if it's splitting hairs it is a valid question at least. The guy didn't even complain about it, he just asked why this game was charted differently. He never said it didn't sell well.. Calm down. It's a valid (albeit petty) question.


Also.. there is no way of knowing if it did 2.1 mil in the (Friday & Saturday slot) according to VG or not, until we get conformation.

If perferring the PS3 over the 360 makes me a fanboy.. I guess I am guilty..

List of 360 Games I would like to have: Alan Wake

List of PS3 Games I would like to have: LBP, FFXIII(if it ever comes), R2(maybe)

List of Wii Games I would like to have: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (It's not an exclusive but it would be awesome)