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With 2008 almost coming to a close, 2008 has proved to be an outstanding year of gaming. This pattern will only continue in 2009, but what does 2009 have in store for the Playstation 3?


The ps3’s fortunes in 2008 have been very good but nothing special, 2008 will be remembered for the year ‘the greatest game this gen was released Mgs4’. Ps3 has been succeeding in Europe continuously progressing and sales have been very steady in America, where it has been a dogfight with the Xbox 360, however Japan has been quite a disappointment unfortunately the Japanese consumer base seem not that very interested in the HD consoles opting for the Wii and portable consoles. But will 2009 be any different?


I really believe that 2009 will define the ps3 fortunes, it will determine the console race. And 2009 is shaping up to be a great for the ps3 even better than 2008.


But will 2009 deliver and live up to expectation?


Not only will 2009 deliver it will obliterate expectations. The games expected in 2009 are quite frankly of the highest quality, these are the games that will determine the ps3 fortunes. They are


  • Killzone 2 – This game shaping up to be excellent with truly outstanding graphics. Being released in Feb 09 it’s a perfect way to start 2009.
  • Infamous – This game is looking good, with an expected release date of Apr 2009. This game will be released shortly after Killzone 2, this will keep the momentum going.
  • God of war 3 – This is my most anticipated game of 2009, with previous God of War’s receiving critical acclaim, just the thought of Kratos in HD makes me shiver lol. Release date expected in Q4 2009.
  • Heavy Rain – I\m personally not sure what to expect from this game but it could be a sleeper.
  • Gran Turismo 5 – Although 2009 is not a definite release date however Kazunori Yamauchi has stated himself that Gran Turismo 5 coming sooner than be expected, This the flagship game the ps3 needs, Gt5 will ignite sales of hardware.
  • Final Fantasy 13 - could possibly make an appearance in Dec 2009 only Japan. This game has the potential sell a lot of hardware but will the momentum last? Who knows?
  • Uncharted 2 – With Naughty Dog already confirming that Uncharted 2 is in development 2009 seems like a realistic date,


There are many more exclusives that could possibly make an appearance in 2009, but these are the games I feel that will define the Ps3 fortunes.


At the end of the day, the main reason that the ps3 is not selling as well as it could is simply because of the price with the Xbox 360 selling at half the price, its hampering the potential sales of the ps3.


So a price cut needed with Microsoft aggressively slashing prices on their consoles, I expect Sony to follow suit in 2009. Despite being half the price the ps3 is still competing with the Xbox 360 and any price cut will perform miracles especially in Europe.


The Xbox 360 has a solid line up in 2009 too, with games such as Halo recon, Halo wars, Splinter cell conviction, Alan wake and I expect many more. Microsoft are keeping the cards close to their chest I expect a few surprises in 2009.


In conclusion if all games that I stated make an appearance in 2009 along with a much needed price cut, 2009 could mark the return of the king

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