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Final-Fan said:
Kasz216 said:

Your suggesting that someone else in the government just accepted a bunch of japanese people in the middle of WW2 without even notifying the president?

That's something that had to come across his desk.

That's like saying that the president wouldn't know we were selling weapons to "freedom fighter" groups.

Keep in mind we oursselves deported plenty of US citizens, and people who weren't aloud to be US citizens because of racist laws against asians to japan.

I mean that link itself shows FDR's racism towards asian americans.

I figured it might have been handled by the State Department without the President knowing the full circumstances.  But seriously man, the attempted deportation of these people happened a year after Roosevelt DIED!  How do you pin that on him?

Didn't know tha was when he died.  So i guess he's free of that one.

Still the man clearly was a racist, which can be shown by racist acts and comments before his presidency which i'll dig up later.

Aside from which, he thought the bill of rights should be rescinded during wartime.

At some point, no amount of good can make up for an evil act that violates people so throughly.

Based on various comments about asian americans and even jews (despite his administrations help of them)  I gotta think a lot of it had to do with his wife's influence on him.

A good book on it though is "By Order of the President"