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Sales Discussion - Japan up! - View Post

johnsobas said:
why should i believe that vgchartz can do the numbers without famitsu and MC? The only times they have ever released before famitsu and MC the numbers were brutal on all accounts and all adjusted after famitsu and MC come out. Numbers are often adjusted anyway, if vgchartz has so many sources they would stick by their sources not adjust when famitsu says differently. I dare vgchartz to release their numbers before famitsu. I'm not trying to debunk vgchartz, they just need to stop claiming they can do something they cannot. NA numbers have a good track record, EU numbers have also been pretty good, but Japanese numbers when not aided by other sources have not.


I would like to see NPD do that too. We all know they adjust (otherwise the Wii isn't sold out.. but let's not get into THAT), but we never see it.

Also, if they adjust to Famitsu or MediaCreate - why is there still a difference (sometimes)?

Last weeks numbers

Console - Famitsu - MediaCreate - VGC

DS (Lite and i) - 188,600 - 187,000, 189,000
PSP - 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000
Wii - 25,000 - 23,000 - 24,000
PS3 - 36,000 - 39,000 - 38,000
360 - 6,000 - 6,000 - 6,000

I hate to say that the numbers really aren't different in this case (even between MC and Fam), but are we to say that MC copies Fam's number's because they are so similar and MC brings out their numbers after Fam does?

I really don't understand why you are here. If you are here to discuss games and sales, many of us are going to use VGC numbers, since they are easily available, have proven to be close enough to actual numbers (financial statements), and this is VGC... Not that I really mind comparing numbers, but I think it's pointless to say that ioi needs to raise his numbers... since there are plently of times when a console (not just the PS3) is lower or higher than others numbers. MC and Fem don't agree all the time, I don't see why VGC should agree with either one of them all the time either.

@BKK2 - Uh, you don't make any sense... since obviously VGC numbers don't match Fam's numbers, which are available right now. Hence this whole pointless discussion that I am done with. If you don't like VGC's numbers...