Everyone did worse than last week, DMeisterJ did best in comparison to what he did last week, but he still lost 5 points.
Everyone was too low on the Wii, and too high on the PS3.... the X360 was split 5:3 for those who went over:under, and with a pretty decent gap between us too.
I will be putting together a console specific set of tables later, but with only 2 weeks you can see that BHR-3 will top the Wii-only predictions with only 6 points lost, I will top the PS3-only with 11 points lost, and Veggie will top the X360 predictions with 9 points lost. And funnily enough it is those 3 of us who top the overall leaderboard.
if Oyv can put together his scores when he has time I would be thankful to see how that goes too.