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Leni said:

xlost7 said:

IGN said the combat system is nice but dull considering the story and characters are boring. Not that many customization going on and plus the game holds your hand. This is not something I will enjoy. I agree with IGN and thanks for warning me about this game.

Although the box art is triple


i'm sorry, but you suck even more than IGN does......


i'll make a review when i buy the game and compare it to the 1st one, maybe because Tales of Symphonia is one of the best games i have ever played!!


Well your a fan, I'm not so what comes out of my mouth is straight opinion and word for word from IGN. I'm sorry but I don't suck I apparently play games and enjoy them. Hell I like Super Mario Galaxy, is there a problem with that. I was giving my opinion just like everyone else. 

Is that a problem, okay then plz move along


I  made another account because I am in a clan now with my friend from my job. Our clan is called "xlost". I am member number "7". I just changed everything from my PSN ID to my Xbox Live gamertag to my VGChartz username. This doesn't have anything to do with ban-dodging or being banned it was actually requested. I like this name and I would prefer to be called by my real name Bruce or xlost7. 

I do like RPG's Soriku. I liked Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2. I also want to play Lost Odyssey and Valkyrie Chronicles. I'm so addicted to that game now. I played the demo 2 straight times in a