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That Guy said:

we're there like horrible factory worker conditions back in the day where you had to work like 12 hour days 6 days a week for like 1 dollar a day?

There was that one book, "The Jungle" that I read when i was a junior about the meat industry.


Oh, and on that note, I'm sure there are several occasions where a company knowingly released some kind of dangerous product out to the public and it caused lots of health problems/death for consumers.

I'm not saying that businesses never do anything wrong/evil. And I would never make such a claim. I'm just refuting Manus' claim that businesses are more evil than governments, and the evidence supports me. Governments are as sadastic as things can get in this world.

You cant forget fords famous decsions to endanger their consumers lives. Remember the Pento and 1st gen Explorers, both death traps that ford knew were dangerous but felt that being sued for wrongful death was cheaper than going back and fixing the problem. But can that compare to the halocaust, caused by a democratically elected Hitler? 



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