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KylieDog said:
memory2zack said:
Not that I ever had any problem with Famitsu, but hasn´t the whole VGChartz community agreed that Famitsu reviews are unreliable and only review based on what their userbase wants? Now people are saying they will buy TLR because Famitsu reviewed it well? And what happened to 'I don´t need reviews to form my own opinion' ?


No, thats just people who try to downplay Famitsu when it promotes games as good for systems they don't own, or say a game is bad for one they do.


Famitsu is one of the few decent reviewer left.  They rate a game based on the game, and just the game, not console, not developer, and they take into account who the game is likely aimed at, and don't slate a game aimed at a 8 year for example old because a 30 year old doesn't enjoy it.

   That isn't always true, in this case the only people who would defame it based just on the system argument are Wii fans without a PC which is what...10% of the VG charts audience?   It's coming out everywhere more or less, there are a lot of reasons to doubt Famitsu other then console loyalty just as there are a lot of reasons to doubt that the Wadarific new Square can put out anything that isn't at least 50% crap.


 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me