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It's been a bit of a wait - but Home Cinema fans finally have a entry-level choice in a standalone BluRay player that matches the PS3 feature-for-feature without the noise, power consumption or awkward shape.

Ironically - the player comes from Sony itself and it is the BDP-350.  The player does everything you could possible want apart from on-board DTS-HD (although you can send the bitstream to a DTS-HD receiver) - but it does do everything else including on-board decoding of Dolby TrueHD lossless.

Furthermore, it features and ethernet port and can be updated to Profile 2.0 via ISO image available for download from Sony - so you can also enjoy full BD-live functionality.

Even more - the BDP350 also features the Sony XMB interface - so existing PS3 fans will be familiar with it and X360 or non-console owners will enjoy the intuitive design of the XMB.

As far as picture quality - the 350 is at the top of the list with excellent playback on BluRay 1080p/24 and also achieves top-line upscaling of normal DVD's.  Loading time is also extremely quick with an advertised 6 second boot up when using the quick start mode.

And finally - it's small, modest and lean.  Less than 22cm deep and not as wide as previous oversized players.  It will fit nicely into the smallest of shelves and best of all - it only consumes 15 watts on playback and is as quiet as a mouse.

Whether you're looking for an inexpensive BluRay player for a second room, An X360 owner looking to take advantage of the new HD format - or just a Home Theatre fan who wants the BluRay quality without having to purchase a toy to get it - this IS the player you've been looking for - and all for less than $250 U.S. (£169 GBP at the BT shop for UK buyers)

I predict it will be the hottest selling standalone player this year.
Thank you, Sony - we've been waiting far too long.