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Kulle said:
NintendoMonopoly said:
Kulle said:
NintendoMonopoly said:
Squilliam said:
Ail said:
trestres said:
Ohh the bitterness in Ail is just hilarious lol :P

Btw you are posting right now! Go play your games, you won't have enough time, right?


 I can't bring my console to work or I would :((((

I'm not bitter, the success of the Wii hasn't affected my gaming at all and I'm not the one making bitter thread about the lack of releases on my consoles or the poor quality of third party software...


I am forced to offer my +1 manship. The Wii may have a large market share, but I doubt it has more than 1/3rd of the market I actually care about.

         The PC market??? Ofcourse, not. Not yet, but wait until they start releasing killer application "games" like, "Pokemon PowerPoint", "Mario PhotoShop", "Wii Word". Then, you're going to see some crazzy:):):):):):) John Lucas like sales.

         Maybe you don't care, but I happen to enjoy both casual and core games. Most normal gamers do, unlike diehard fanboys, that only care about brand image and snobcore gollums that are too far removed from the real world to see the light; that social gaming just might be fun. A type of fun that doesn't require investing constant meaningless devotion and sacrificing any existence of a personal life, but to each his own.



So if you don't care about wii sports/fit/carnival games etc, you are a "snobcore gollum" or whatever. I just love your logic!


         So MK & SSBB gameplay equal wii fit. There are other games on the Wii, you know. I'd say, if you can't respect some one enjoying those games, because you forcefully chose to be ignorant about it, than yes. Some people have limited taste and think it magicaly makes them better than other people. I think that by definition, is being a snob and plenty of people are naturally that way. Oh well! There's worse things to be and worse things to be called. That's not logic. That's just the way life is. You on the other hand , no. You're less of a gollum and more of a troll. That and maybe an alternate account.



Uh, what? He was talking about market that he doesn't care about. Which propably is that expanded/casual market what wii have captured. I think he mentioned that he is interested in those 2 games. Don't you think that is pretty funny statement, since you obviously think you are better than those "snobcore gollums"?

Personally, I don't care about SSBB or MK. If you like them, that is fine. :)

Call it my loss, I never owned a Nintendo console and never played a Mario game so I don't know what I am missing...

I had however a PS2 and bought around 40 games during the time I had it and almost all of those that have sequels or have similar games are on HD consoles...

My only issue this gen is that there are a couple titles I would want to play that are on the other HD console but I would have the same issue if I had a 360 over a PS3 and lets face it if I had both it would just mean I would have to skip more games ( GoW2 and Re2 at the same time would be too much for example, seeing how I am a trophy whore and both games would take a huge amount of time for 100% completion and I don't see the point of playing both extensively online, stick to one seems a better idea for me)....

Right now I have delayed purchasing 3 games in the last weeks because I'm not done with the current ones..(I delayed purchasing LBP and Motorstorm and delayed renting Fallout and Deadspace..).

As for Western third parties I think most of them have taken the attitude that in the end the gamers that want to play their games but only have a Wii so far will go multiplatform to do so which is why they are not attempting to make more Wii specific games.( and the fact that the HD consoles sales are not going down despite the fact that Wii is the clear hardware winner this gen does not invalidate that strategy...).



PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !