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NintendoMonopoly said:
Squilliam said:
NintendoMonopoly said:
Squilliam said:
Ail said:
trestres said:
Ohh the bitterness in Ail is just hilarious lol :P

Btw you are posting right now! Go play your games, you won't have enough time, right?


 I can't bring my console to work or I would :((((

I'm not bitter, the success of the Wii hasn't affected my gaming at all and I'm not the one making bitter thread about the lack of releases on my consoles or the poor quality of third party software...


I am forced to offer my +1 manship. The Wii may have a large market share, but I doubt it has more than 1/3rd of the market I actually care about.

         The PC market??? Ofcourse, not. Not yet, but wait until they start releasing killer application "games" like, "Pokemon PowerPoint", "Mario PhotoShop", "Wii Word". Then, you're going to see some crazzy:):):):):):) John Lucas like sales.

         Maybe you don't care, but I happen to enjoy both casual and core games. Most normal gamers do, unlike diehard fanboys, that only care about brand image and snobcore gollums that are too far removed from the real world to see the light; that social gaming just might be fun. A type of fun that doesn't require investing constant meaningless devotion and sacrificing any existence of a personal life, but to each his own.



I personally don't care about Wii Fit (Though I own and continue to use it) Wii Sports (Always bundled) Wii Play (I even own this, was going to buy a controller but it was only $10 more) nor Links Xbow training (Another hardware bundle). I also definately don't care about another 100 or so releases which don't cater to me personally.

Just so I don't sound like a complete Wii hater to you, im personally very interested in sales of Mario Kart (Which I do admit I have yet to get for myself) and SSBB (for which I just purchased a GC controller for)

Btw Social game is fun, you should find out the joys of stomping your neighbour into oblivion in a multiplayer GOW match, its also one franchise which should translate to Wii type controls very well if Microsoft should choose to go in that direction next generation (Which I hope they do)

         But why have any Wii hate at all? it's not like Nintendo killed your only son or left you marooned in a barren wasteland to die...


God Of War is going to have a verus mode?!?!? Hot damn!!! Oh wait! You mean Gears. Really? That was the best thing you could think of for multi-play? Not L4D, which btw pails in comparison to HL2. Well, you did say MP3 didn't interest you at all. That speaks volumes about your taste in fps gaming. The 1st Gears was fun, but it was more about the campaign for me. Even that seemed a little redundant. Gears2 is is   living up to a lot of what was promised with the 1st, but the duck and cover system lends itself more to single/co-op, if you ask me. I expect part 3 to really impress.

      "The joys of stomping your neighbor"... sure that's fun for awhile, when I'm playing more hardcore players, but this ideology about multi-player gaming is part of what's wrong with old school game designing. Why does it always have to be so damn serious? Do you think my non-gamer friends/family enjoy thoroughly getting the crap beaten out of them constantly? Hell, I don't enjoy it. It feels awkward and more than a little embarrassing.

        I'd rather have it be more like a party, where it's just about having fun. I know, you're not going to try to tell me you haven't noticed, when people play Wii games in a group they're more excited, then when playing regular games. As added bonus, not only can I start up an off-line mp game easier, I also get to hang out with people that are actually fun to be around, instead of people that are completely anti-social.
       I guess we just have different taste. You completely miss the entertainment that the Wii brings. Your loss. I'm not sure how so many could be blind to how others could find the Wii to be an advancement to gaming in a lot of ways (not all, but a big brave leap by Ninty, none the less). It's not like I don't acknowledge the 360 & PS3 as fun. They are. It's just, for me they are secondary to PC+Wii+Handhelds. Which really is more than enough for most gamers.

Oh hell no

My issues with the Wii are these two:

  1. The controller really can fire the imagination of developers I give them that, but unfortunately it doesn't have the performance to let their games go where their mind takes them.
  2. The controller simply doesn't work properly for me. Given the fact that it should be easy to set up, my 53" LCD doesn't give me any kind of precision when playing. Its disapointing but I don't have a 2nd TV.

So im not a Wii hater, but I am disapointed with what potential and scope there was for all manner of games but it could not be realized due to the conservatism of Nintendo. They didn't realise what they had, and if they did they didn't believe in it enough to give it the "right" kind of backing to really make their concept flourish for everyone and every possibility the human imagination could germinate.

Btw, consider a game - Halo 3, its got an attach rate thats higher than Mario-Kart and its the same game which defined social in the last generation. So to label FPS gamers as anti-social is pretty stereotypical.

Btw - have you played SSBB AND Halo 3 at the same time on the same TV with 5 other people? Picture in Picture is FTW I tell you!


