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NiKKoM said:

Get some flowers (a rose would do nicely) write your phone number on the inside of the flower (bit tricky, practice makes perfect).. go to her when everybody is around.. walk straight.. chest up.. dress nice.. give her the rose.. don't say anything but: "excuse me... this is for you.." then turn around.. walk back the way you came.. don't run.. just walk away.. (the entire school will be looking at you so stay cool)

With respect to NiKKoM, in my opinion that has at least as much odds of failing as succeding. If she is a shy or private person in any way, she will resent you for making a spectacle out of her and putting presure on her.

Try to strike up small, meaningful conversations and building on that daily. Start with just a hi, or even just a nod. Having a puppy with you is not an option, since you are at work, but one would be a great tool.

Anyways, if within the couple of few conversations she hasn't  used the words "my boyfriend" or "my husband" (she might say it out of context even if she doesn't have one) then it is a sign that she is interested. In my experience, any woman who is not interested in you will mention having a boyfriend no matter what the conversation is about.