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Gnizmo said:

 I would say they are probably playing a very wide range of games causing no one game to get pushed past the one million in America alone hurdle you put so much emphasis on. So what games are they?  That's what I am asking.  Even Madden only sold like 350k or something.  And yes, one million is an arbitrary number, but it's just the common one.  Pick another that works for you.  One in 16 isn't a huge attach rate to get to a million for a good game.


This is based on a few fairly basic facts. First off the Wii has a higher attach rate in the Americas than the PS3 does currently. Secondy, it is selling third party software at a faster pace than either of the other consoles. That is, if you compare the first 23 months on the market the Wii has the most third party software sold. What is the source for this?  Is it on here?  I believe you.  I just want to read it.  I am also surprised by how low the PS3 number is, but the Ps3 still sold double the software per console this week.


Lastly I would say it because of the wide range of million sellers already on the Wii that got there with half a million in sales in Americas with the other regions pushing the game over the million seller hurdle. Feel free to reply to this or just ignore it and switch to a new talking point like last time. Well obviously there are more worldwide million sellers.  I am talking about America.  Everyone I know with a Wii plays the same five games.  The number is just low overall, including first party games. 

I'm really not trying to bash the Wii - it's just that the software numbers seem awfully low lately, including first party.  I can't believe I'm the only one who fins it odd that there is such momentum for the console and so little momentum for its games.  That's not weird?  Are people just buying used or renting?


Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?