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@Riachu And I said they shouldn't be opinions. Yes you could comment your opinion, but that should affect the score of the game. A review is suppose to represent how much a certain audience would like a game. If the reviewer doesn't like Jrpgs then they shouldn't be writing a review on a Jrpg targeted at a certain audience. Actually now that I think of it, there shouldn't be any scores at all in reviews. A numerical, or letter scales can't represent what a game is, and how much it would appeal to the person reading the review. Imo a review should consist of what the game features, and maybe the writers opinion on the features, but that wouldn't be the same for everyone so why should they even make ratings. The overall purpose of a review is to help the reader to decide to buy a game or not based on the facts presented in a review and opinions from others aren't what you want when you are trying to decide if you want to buy the game or not for YOU and not them. I do agree though that most reviews are opinions, and that is why I like to read reviews more then judge them based on scores to decide for myself.