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@Outlawauron Well what do you expect from a Spinoff? Spinoffs for the most part are extensions on the original game. They aren't suppose to be too different. Also I wasn't talking about him saying "it is too much of the same" is the problem. He has problems with the game being linear and there not being an overworld yet the two most recent FF games were just the same. He has a problem with some load times between battles yet, I've played some recent rpgs that have just as long or even longer load times that have been getting high ratings. Cliches in the story is another thing he has a problem with, yet we see them in almost every Jrpg, and you still see this.

He says the game is too slow paced for HIS taste, yet he has to realize that he isn't forming an opinion rather than stating facts about the game, and making an observation from these facts, then rating it in comparison to other games of the genre. Reviews should NOT be an opinion rather than stating the facts for somebody else to form , yet he makes one, and these opinions stand with almost every other JRPG and aren't specific to that of ToS:Dotnw. Also seeing how niche the tales series is, and this being a spinoff, he should write his review as if he was writing to a tales of fan, and to one who loved symphonia it being pretty much the same is great news. So when writing a review I think that the target audience should be considered as well. Anyway it just seems to me that he is somebody who doesn't like the genre, rather than ToS Dotnw alone.