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kn said:
Hey, how about we wait until the Wii is widely available before saying it is dooomed!!!1!ONE!, suxxorx, or whatever else the fanboy can imagine? Until supply and demand are roughly in equilibrium -- i.e. there are a enough consoles for most everyone that wants one -- conjecture about why sales increase/decrease is worthless. I have yet to see a wii on a store shelf anywhere in the texas market since they were launched. And we are a big state... Right now, sales decreases (at least in the U.S.) are primarily because of changes in supply. Again, when you can walk into any toys r us, wal mart, gamestop, best buy, target, and circuit city and buy a Wii like you can a PS3 or a 360, we really don't know.

 Again the question, who said the wii is dommed? I wanna really know to whom do you respond? Please tell me! Did you even read the posts?


All i can think of at the moment:
