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The Anarchyz said:
I'm not offended by that, i only wanted to know why did you compared VB.NET with HTML, and also know if you coded something complicated with VB.NET (that program seems interesting, i did something similar in Java)...

I totally agree with you that is not the most wonderful thing (even when i have to do .NET coding, i prefer C#) and it does a lot of things for you when it comes to the GUI (except if you go for something else than windows, like the Solar System simulator with Directx 9 i was talking about), but outside the GUI, to use it correctly, one must leave VB6 thinking for a lot of things, learn Object Oriented sd, and study the .NET way, that's the not so easy part...

It was mainly the comparing to HTML thing, because VB.NET is a full-pledged object oriented language while HTML is barely a language...

I'll have to 2nd this. VB.NET is barely like VB6. As with all the .NET languages, they share a common base, and provide very similar functionality. While lacking some of the abilities of C# (but also having some that C# doesn't have) the languages are very similar other than syntax.

That said, there is nothing wrong with a language doing stuff for you anyway. Java and C# are a walk in the park compared to C/C++ which is why they have gained popularity. Not having to do memory management, much easier cross platform coding (in the case of Java) and having a large library of functions readily available leave the programmer time to actually write a program, rather than deal with a lot of groundwork.