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The Anarchyz said:
twesterm said:
vlad321 said:
twesterm said:
theprof00 said:

HTML so far. lol, LBP soon.
I hope to take something else in the future, something monetarily valued. But, I take both Japanese and French right now so its a little difficult to get free time.


LBP isn't a programming language, it's an editor (and before you say it, an editor is absolutely not a programming language).



I don't see why or how HTML counts as a programming language as well

I barely count HTML as a programming language.  It's super simple and limited, but it's still a programming language, just not one I would brag about knowing.

It's like saying you're awesome in VB.Net: of course you're awesome at VB.Net, it does everything for you.



Wait, have you ever done something complicated in .NET??? like an online transaction system made entirely in ASP.NET??? or a Solar System simulator with VB.NET and Directx 9.0? or access a TMU-950 without the driver?

VB.NET is friendly, it's true (it has to be, Microsoft relies on that), but it doesn't do everything for you, especially if you don't use the VB6 methods and go with the .NET ones (that should be the ones to use)...


The only .Net thing I've ever messed with is VB.  It's good for fast prototyping, but anything else just doesn't seem worth it. 

About the most complicated thing I've done in it was a *very* complicated GUI that had to take a text file that talked to a machine that painted a picture and then spit out another text file.  The text file had to dynimically grow and shrink depending on what the user wanted so that was a pain but it was pretty simple.  It turned out to be about 20k lines (just for the GUI, I didn't work on the other part), but except for the dynimica growth part it wasn't complicated, just tedious.

Anyways, where was I?  Oh, my meh attitude for VB.Net.  I don't have the experience programming you do since I all but abandoned my CS degree and only script now in something that is pretty much C++, but know enough that VB isn't the most wonderful thing ever.

As for my saying you're awesome at VB.Net comment-- it does do almost everything for you.  You can be an awesome programmer and be good at VB, but you're probably good at VB because you're good at programming.  You can do really good looking things in VB.Net with no real effort because it does a lot of things for you.  I don't really know why you're offended by that...