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robjoh said: Darc Requiem said: Alacrist said: @ Darc It's just a "What If" question but I see where your getting at, but if you got into the tech side of it Gears would have never came out, but look at it like they all dropped the price to 200 dollars which brings me to what you said robjoh Nintendo would be losing any money, 360 would be losing around 300 for the Premium (I think) and I think the PS3 would be around 500-600 per system because they already lose about 200 now I think. Okay, I'll bite on you question. I'm buy the Wii. Because at $200, the 360 and PS3 wouldn't around very long due to the massive losses that their parent companies would incur. Yeah, I know I'm being facetious but this particular what if scenario isn't feasible. Sidenote: At $200 Nintendo would be making $20 per Wii (Would have profited around 120 million dollars since launch) MS would be losing $325 at the 360's launch and $123 as of now (Or they would have lost roughly 2.3 Billion from 360 launch to present) Sony would be losing $640 per PS3 (Would have lost roughly 4 Billion dollars since launch) As I said nobody said anything about if the company would survive On a side not, I do think Darc Requiem has a good point, can we actualy compare three differnt systems with three different prices? I mean their is a reason why the consols have different prices.
I know they are different prices for different reasons so, ok someone help me out what would be in the systems if they were 200?