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Honestly, if this were to ever hit a retail game I would pirate it. I would also do my best to spread the game through illegal channels. I am all for developers making their money, and buy 99% of my games new. All that aside I will not put up with this crap. You want people to buy your games rather than rent them? Then make a better game. Add interesting multiplayer, or a lot of fun single player side missions that take a long time to complete. Make a game that is fun to play through again and again.

Trying to force me to buy your short game will only piss me off. I will pay a reasonable price to play games. Offer me what I feel is $50 worth of content and I will gladly pay it. Offer me what feels like $5 worth of content and I will simply rent it. Try to force me to buy your ending and I will steal it just to spite you.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229