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Only once and it was for a friends that bit off more then he could chew

He was drunk and his girl friend had just been nailed with a water balloon

Every one but him was laughing at the situation

So of curse in the bravdo only being smashed can bring he starts to beef it with this guy twice his size 

He was only 5’10 and close to 150 lbs , the guy he was trying to start shit with is more my size 5’11 250lbs

So my friend throws the first punch and he might as well been smacking him with a pillow

The big guy throws his punch and lays out my firend (he had it coming for starting something that didn’t need to be)

He then goes to jump on him even after its clear he won the fight

I calmly step in and say its enough no hard feelings

Here is where he made his mistake he starts to push my chest and ask if I want to start anything

So I backhand slap him in the throat ,real fast and not much power but I pick my target with care

While he is coughing and sputter i take a little step past him with left leg lean back and slam my elbow with all the force I can right into his jaw  (slammed my funny bone) but I was able to put the greater part of my weight into it and knocked him off of his feet and back a few on the ground

Needless to say he wasn’t getting back up

I scooped my firend up and helped him stagger back to his dorm room where he puked on my shoe…..he had to claen my car for a  week as a thank you for everything

And I had to go to redimed b/c I had a deep bruise on my elbow and the joint swelled a bunch