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steven787 said:
Grover Cleveland was a conscription dodger in the Civil War who later denied the promised pensions to Civil War veterans, he married the daughter of his friend about 30 years his junior, he arrested people who were demonstrating peacefully in favor of building roads, he was the first president to use troops on workers striking, he reneged on agreements made with Hawaiians. Cleveland was part of the corporatist movement that went too far to the right and caused the swing to the left in the second age of American government.

Every good president has done some unsavory things.

If you want to make an omelet, you're going to have to break a few eggs. That's why I say W. has had one of the best long term impacts, he has broken a shit load of eggs.

Cleveland paid for a substitute which was a legal alternative. The pensions were already denied by the Civil War Pension's Bureau because they were considered fraudulent. I could not care less whom he married. Cleveland simply enforced the court injunction. Cleveland also opposed the annexation of Hawaii.

Of course, there neither has been nor will be a perfect president.