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steven787 said:
Before I get attacked, I wanted to add:

Lincoln restored the constitution when the ultimate threat to the country was absolved. He didn't use the threat for personal gain, he dealt with it. Lincoln united Republicans and Northern Democrats putting aside anything that got in the way of keeping this country afloat during it's toughest years.

Another president to have done so, denies it and does it in secrecy. He used fear to lead his party faithful to win elections. He exaggerated threats and down-played other national concerns.

I am not going to attack you. I will not, however, admire a president who openly flouted the circuit court's ruling that his suspension of habeas corpus was unconstitutional, and who openly detained political opponents such as Clement Vallandigham and William Merrick. These are not the only reasons I disfavor Lincoln, but I find these offenses particularly egregious.