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steven787 said:
If we are limited to serving presidents, George W. Bush. He completely redefined the role of the President in the US, and the US in the world. Everything was completely horrible and wrong but he woke up much of the electorate. GWB ignited a fire in the liberals, centrists, and moderates while forcing many conservatives to rethink and reevaluate the meaning of conservatism in governing.

Without him, the US would still be ignoring or accepting racially and socially divisive rhetoric of two Americas. Many Americans would still wrongly believe that America can do what it wants around the world.

I'm so thankful we've had such a president who was so sure of himself and dismissive of the dissenting opinion. America will rebound stronger than it would have without a president like George W. Bush.

Interesting viewpoint, and I agree with most of it.

GWB has been one of, if not the, most polarizing presidents in modern history - Love it or hate it. He's stuck to his beliefs no matter the cost. Rather than get a majority opinion, he sought the right opinion - again, love or hate it.

Sometimes, very rarely, but sometimes, the presidency needs different kinds of figures, and GWB was/is a no-nonsense cowboy. And for having gone through some of the most atrocious things a country has ever had to deal with (attack on continental soil, wars, 2 recessions, $4.29/gal gas, housing collapse, incidents with China, and the economic collapse), it's been an interesting ride. He may of not been what America wanted, but I think that in time, we'll realize he was what we needed.

And as a human being, I'd agree that Carter is one of the best. I think his presidency was horrible, but I certainly respect him, and the work he's done after his 4 years in office. No president in the past ~50 years has done what he has after attaining the highest office in the US.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.