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Game_boy said:

Now remembering this debt crisis is somewhat recent and that Clinton had a government surplus, I would argue the net value of each person has dropped severely: wages a little up; debt massively up.

"net value of each person"? Did you just invent that term?

This "debt crisis"* is somewhat recent??

Which specific years was there a balanced budget during the Clinton administration? Was it for the entire eight years? Or was it only after a Republican Congress was swept into power and enacted The Fiscal Responsibility Act in early 1996 as part of their Contract with America?

And are you just going to ignore all external events and just link everything to the US President (not even the legislature as shown above)? The dot com boom and burst bubble? The Asian financial crisis? 9/11? And of course the Chairman of the Federal Reserve has no control over the US economy, right?

*("debt crisis" is in quotes because that's not the unnecessarily alarmist term I would use. Plus there is not even agreement on whether debt is a bad thing: Some argue a surplus could result in a deflationary recession as the money supply contracts. See also "Learning to Love Debt". I don't fully agree with all of it, but it's another perspective...)

We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that they [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do, so the question is what do you do for the rest of the nine and half years? It's a learning process. - SCEI president Kaz Hirai

It's a virus where you buy it and you play it with your friends and they're like, "Oh my God that's so cool, I'm gonna go buy it." So you stop playing it after two months, but they buy it and they stop playing it after two months but they've showed it to someone else who then go out and buy it and so on. Everyone I know bought one and nobody turns it on. - Epic Games president Mike Capps

We have a real culture of thrift. The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games. - Activision CEO Bobby Kotick