10) Go cry moar.
9) Fuck innovation? Uh, wow. So basically, you don't have the gaming industry to try something new? What the hell?
8) I kinda have to agree that newer games have been easier. But I dunno, we still get hard games. Mega Man 9 anyone?
7) What? Are you really that fucking dense? Nintendo has nothing to do with most of these ports. That's the 3rd party's doing, not theirs.
6) This is the dumbest reason. The non-exclusive games are ALWAYS the 3rd party's doing. Not Nintendo's.
5) ...Wut? You do realize NMH is getting a sequel, right? Also, Nintendo doesn't decide what 3rd parties should make. They decide themselves, the reason some IPs don't get sequels because of poor sales or they just don't do it.
4) Sin and Punishment is a recent revived franchise. Kirby got new games on the DS and a remake. Kid Icarus is technically revived as the franchise played a good role in Brawl. Pikmin is getting its 3rd game. Punch Out is revived too. Also, the Wii is fucking 2 years old. Stop expecting every single franchise to be released/announced in 2 years. Seriously, what an ignorant comment.
3) Oh boo fucking hoo, friend codes. Get the fuck over it, sheesh. Why do people like you get so anal over for friend codes? Seriously. :|
2) This makes me wanna punch you in the face...really hard.
1) Read: 2
Really, what a whiner that idiot is.