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Well I'm a really big fan of Gears, the first one was my favorite game and I've got out of my ways and got GoW2 at midnight yesterday, here's my impressions.

The graphics while are more colourful and there's more on the screen than before but they are less polish, the textures are not that great and seems sometimes more of a Halo game graphics than a Gears one, feels more like a kiddy game than anything else at times.

The sound is still good, don't like the gun sounds but its different

Gameplay while the cover system is good and the tweaks are good the weapons on the other hand feels clunky and the shotgun is useless, the lancer is your primary weapon and the general feel doesn't seem as good as the first one. In the campaign is alright, you don't really notice since you usually don't use you shotgun in Gears1 but in multiplayer its defenitly different.

The multiplayer in my opignion is the biggest setback, the matchmaking is similar to Halo, you can't choose which map you want to play in, the weapons are unbalanced, the whole experience is clunky, you can't quit a match so if you have some lag going on you have to shutdown you xbox to quit. The shotgun is useless and laggy, the chainsaw is like godlike, you can't be stop with the chainsaw. The hammer burst just plain sucks and the other weapons are just weird in there own ways. Yes there's more weapons but the whole experience is not as good and did I say you can't quit ? The whole experience seems slower and is just not right, the graphics really lacks in the multiplayer and its a setback from the last one.


This game is the biggest setback I've ever experience in a sequel, while the campaign is still good, the multiplayer is useless and I feel letdown by EPIC in this portion of the game.


EDIT: Well after playing a few more hours of the campaign I will say that the graphics for some reason seems to be a lot better the more you play ;) The campaign is truly amazing and its something to not miss, will say that the campaign is better than Gears1. I'll play a bit more of multiplayer, maybe when I'll get used to the changes that it'll be much better.

My favorite games for this gen:

1. Gears of War    2. MGS4    3. Killzone 2   4. Halo 3(Underated by many)      5. Mass Effect