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Sqrl said:
catprog said:
kabhold said:
I see alot of stats and graphs... but do these numbers include the games that come with the console? If so....they shouldn't....


Excluding wii sports (from Sqrl's fiquers)

Current market total: 1,992,963,419
PS3+360: 1,281,633,284 (64%)
Wii: 711,330,135 (36%)


Weeks of Ownership

36.2% 15.3%



So taking out wii sports and not taking out wii sports does not change the figures that much.


If you took out all the bundles for the Ps3 and 360 the wii would would be ahead




TWO is time, bundled software would be accounted for in Software =P

In any case the problem here is that the Wii is the only console you can remove bundled software for.  360 and PS3 bundles add up to sizeable numbers as well but we don't have data for it because those bundles are inconsistent.

Besides we've had this discussion many many times on this website and like it or not, people buy the Wii for Wii Sports.  If they didn't the software wouldn't be bundled.  The same thing is true of PS3 and 360 bundles as well, you bundle Halo 3 because people will buy the console for Halo 3, you bundle MGS4 because people will buy the console for MGS4, and you bundle Wii Sports because people will buy the console for Wii Sports. 

I'm glad you bolded (Is that a word??)  that for me.  If I had the CHOICE I wouldn't have gotten the Wii with Wii sports. Useless.  I may be in the minority.  But the minority does exist.