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I am Jewish, so this might be surprising if you don't know me too well...

Israel needs to STFU, they have no right to tell our country NOT to be diplomatic. They are criminals fighting criminals. Both Israel and Iran ignore civilian casualties, Iran kills through terrorist groups and Israel does it with soldiers in uniform.

It's not a sign of weakness to sit down and say, "This is our chance to hit the reset button. In 20 years oil won't support you any more. We won't need it, Europe, China, and India won't either. No body is going to care about you, Iraq, or Israel any more. You'll be able to bomb each other all you want. Do you want to be part of the global community and global trade or do you want to bomb each other back to the 12th century?"

Either way we're better off, either they increase attacks and support and start a regional conflict where Israel flattens them... Oil goes up, but in the long run the world becomes more stable OR they start conforming to the standards of diplomacy and governance that is expected from sovereign nations.

The second is more likely, the Iranian people are educated and weary of their goernment. They support it reluctantly because it is stable, they see one situation in Iraq, Lebanon, and Afghanistan and another in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, and Kuwait. Neither the government nor the people want to be in anarchy.

At the same time we, and our allies in the Middle East (with or without Israel) have to help them evolve if they want to.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.