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I think Ninty will have quite ample supply. I actually did some research and investigation into some trends earlier today to just see what Wii could accomplish both hardware and software wise when comparing it to last year's numbers. And ya know it was very simply done but I came around to some pretty large numbers so as long as they have the supply(2.4 million a month along with reserves should be enough) this will be huge. Like it wouldn't surprise me to see this from NPD:

Oct 2008- 1.00
Nov 2008- 1.75 million
Dec 2008- 3.00 million

And that's just for America. Add another 1.5 million from Japan and 5.25 million from Europe and in the last 3 months you got epic numbers. Of course we are only talking about last 10 weeks but that would be about 11 million for the last 10 weeks worldwide which is surely stunning.

And I won't even get into software which I must say will be unlike anything else for Wii this year. I can only imagine what it'd be like if it had a sleuth of games like PS360 has for this holidays but games like Wii Fit and MK Wii will probably outsell anything they release during it.