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The OP's obvious intent aside, I do think this raises an issue with current 3rd party development on the Wii. They seem to be making great games, Dewy is a prime example of this, but then making them appear overly kiddie. The only way to get around that is to correctly and somewhat heavily advertise the game to its real audience and that hasn't happened.

As I understand it, Dewy is not exactly a game for kids. From what I've read it's a fairly challenging platformer. To most people it looks like a kids game so much of its real audience will ignore and those who buy it for their kids will find out they were mistaken and bad word of mouth will start. Zack and Wiki is another game in the same category. It's a very difficult adventure game for hard core gamers but if you look at it you'd never know that. So long as 3rd parties don't try to design their games more coherently or at least advertise them they are going to reduce their sales.

As for the OP's main points. Dewy isn't out in the US or Europe yet so it can't be called a bomb yet. Boogie is doing better than it should. It's a terrible new IP in a genre that is overflowing with already great established franchises. Two 3rd party games do not a trend make. Plenty of 3rd Party games have done well, RE4, Red Steel, RRR, Gundam, DQ:S, Pro whatever Baseball, Tiger Woods, etc. Smaller in sales but as I pointed out each week the 3 multiplat games from 7 weeks ago (Transformers, Bigs, and Harry Potter) have also done well on the Wii compared to the other systems. The Bigs will soon join Harry Potter in having its best selling version being on the Wii. Combined they have sold better per system than they did on the 360 and may even overtake the 360's total combined sales. So I don't think this indicates 3rd parties are doing a terrible job on the Wii or that Wii owners only buy Nintendo, it just shows 3rd parties need to be a bit smarter about how they design and market their games on the Wii.