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It may yet do Zucas, you might turn out to be the most consistant across the weeks and win overall.
With my scoring method and the rather unpredictable weekly sales it's possible to get loads of points (bad accuracy) one week but be right on the money the next week.

It seems actually, that the first week has been generally underpredicted by the 8 of us for the Wii, but over predicted generally for PS360.
BHR was the only one who guessed low for the X360, and he and myself the only ones low for PS3, but for Wii only Veggie overshot, and then only by a tiny amount.


@skeezer... Not neccesarily in terms of single weeks sales, but in terms of the weekly trend for the 4-5 weeks surrounding Black Friday week I think your increases are too linear.... your first few, and last few weeks however look good to me (but then I can easily be wrong too )

For next week I think I will almost definately have the advantage for PS3 sales, because they are only 190k now, and Japan will more than likely decrease for week 2 to offset some of the increase in PAL/America.... and I have the lowest guess for PS3 at 220k.

My Wii and 360 are more gambles though, If Gears of War doesn't really have much of an effect then you (skeezer) and Veggie should be easily the closest, but it needs to have quite a big impact to get up to the next biggest prediction (300k shared by 3 of us) wheras if it is in the middle, then all of us will be quite a bit off. Wii meanwhile I put a decrease from week 1 to week 2 because I thought the supply might be on and off again, and i figured Nintendo would fit it so that Guitar Hero in week 1, and CoD in week 3 might get more supply than very little in week 2.... however it may just go up incrementally like it has been, and thus giving that week to BHR-3. (He, Zucas and DMJ were the 3 to predict an increase from 1 to 2, but Zucas and DMJ are low anyway)