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The Wii is anything but an impulse buy.
When GameStop employees have to deal with about 10 calls a day and another 10+ walk-ins every day looking for them, that is not a impulse thing to do. People are putting actual effort into looking for them.
And the return/sell back rate of the Wii is next to none which is another sign of a Non-impulse buy item.

I don't get how anyone can think that the Wii is a impulse buy.

As for what this topic is actually about, The drop is only due to Nintendo letting out a limited number of Wiis, Yes they are stockpiling. And they do release more Wii units out into the wild with every major new release. Expect to see a lot of Wiis come the MP3 release.

Currently playing:
Wii: MySims | Xbox360: Halo3 / Pac-Man C.E | DS: Scurge | PSP: Ghost in the Shell

"Lesbians, Better then eMail."
~Lanky Man - My Big Fat Independent Movie