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It is so amazing reading the comments of sheeple. You blindly follow a man you know nothing about and then all jump for joy that he wins saying he is going to change things. Yet, no one can name a single thing that he is going to do that is exactly going to change anything including himself. The entire government is corrupt all over the place on both sides, and this man is going to do nothing to stop it or change it. The same things that are being complained about today that desperately need changing will be the same things that everyone will complain about 4, 8, 12, 16 years from now. Every election cycle, politicians promise us the world and yet every election it is still screwed up and only they can fix it. It is just sad to see how many people get so excited over a man, especially one that they cannot name a single thing he has done, nor can they or have they named a single thing he is going to do to help or change anything.

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?