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Comrade Tovya said:
Sounds like bad parenting blamed on video games if you ask me (everyone needs a scapegoat to blame for their problems instead of just admitting it's your fault)

I took away all of my 7 years old kid's video game systems (including handheld) and he just said sorry, and corrected the errors that got himself grounded to being with... he never once ran away or really even got mad at me for it.

So, crappy parents of the world, get over blaming Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft for raising your kids wrong, and instead take parenting classes and learn how to do it the right way...

It reminds me of those dumb kids who terrorize their schools with firearms, and then the schools and parents blame Grand Theft Auto. Give me a break. I've been playing shooter games since they came out in the 80s, and I turned out okay... haven't shot a single person yet.

I love it when parents tell their kids (after a mom shuts the kid's game off on level 81 before he had a chance to save his progress), "It's just a video game, it has nothing to do with the real world".

Oh, but the first time their kid does something screwy, they blame it on a video game.

If you read the article they aren't blaming video games...