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I don't really know if the Wall Street analysts really understand the predicament the PS3 is in. They seemed to completely miss the success of the Wii and DS. These analysts are good at looking at documents and reading technical specs, but most of them have never played video games in any real way. Once I realized Nintendo was going to have a lot of success with the Wii, which was around June last year, I bought a couple hundred NTDOY shares. One of the best bets I've ever made besides Apple. But I sold out Apple too soon. I still made 40% on it but I would have tripled my money if I had stayed. I won't make the same mistake with Nintendo. Nintendo could have some monster quarters if they stay #1 and #2 with the DS and Wii. I've made enough to buy a small car, but I'm greedy and want a down payment for a house